HSS Bldg. of Academia Sinica - 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan

Build AnythingWebsiteWebappMobile AppArduinoRaspberry PiRobot with JavaScript
JSDC 2015 愛心T-shirt預售計畫
每一年 JSDC 總是會有自己不同的主題,每一年都會有不同的風格與展現,在這次特別開放讓所有支持 JSDC 的朋友都能夠有機會購得每年度的限量設計款紀念 T 恤。
JSDC 2015 研討會,工讀生招募中
JSDC 研討會招募短期工讀生,歡迎有興趣協助活動的朋友們一起加入,投入當天研討會周邊項目事務投入。
大會議程公布 - JSDC 2015
JSDC 2015 本次邀請到國內外各方好手齊聚一堂,今年度主題為『整合』,邀請了圖表必知套件 Three.js - Josh ,對於 ES7 下個世代的 Framework Aurelia 開發者 Matt, 以及 React Native 開發者 Hedger。
JSDC 2015 學生獎勵計畫得獎名單
Facebook 釋出基於 Atom 的 IDE - nuclide
我知道 nuclide 是從一個 FB 的朋友哪裡知道的,當時我問他:你們在內部使用什麼編輯器開發React,他當時回答我的編輯器中其中一個是nuclide。
What's JSDC
This year, JSDC is breaking the barriers by integrating the technical power from independent developers, enterprises, framewords, architectures, and practices. We aim to make the knowledge globally interchangeable, while makeing all attendees reimagine JavaScript within and beyond the dogma. Our new thinking will be a catalyst for further improvement of the architectures, fortification of the teams, and optimization of the development process.
Featured Speakers

LINE Corporation is based in Japan. It was renamed from NHN Japan Corporation on April 1, 2013, and operates the LINE, NAVER matome, and livedoor web service businesses. Since launching LINE in June 2011, LINE Corporation has placed the core of its business upon the service and actively pushed for the further expansion of the service on a global scale, as well as accelerating the development of LINE as a platform.

Azure Microsoft
Azure微軟公司所提供之國際級雲端平台,全球設有13個大型資料中心,總投資金額超過 150億美金, 服務遍及140個國家以及支援10種語言. IaaS 部分支援 Linux 及Windows 作業系統,PaaS 部分支援 ASP.NET, PHP, Java, Node.js, Python等,資料庫部分支援Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 與 MySQL,是一開放之雲端平台,核心服務通過ISO 27007,PCI DSS,HIPAA,SOC 1,SOC 2,FedRAMP,UK G-Cloud 等多項國際資安認證,提供 99.9 至 99.95 不停機服務水準保證之穩固服務。

The Unizyx Holding Corporation began operations on August 16, 2010 in Shin-chu Taiwan, as it was set up to reorganize from ZyXEL Communications which is founded in 1989 by Dr. Shun-I Chu . Unizyx has ZyXEL Communications and MitraStar Technology as its subsidiaries is listed in the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE) under ticker number 3704 replacing ZyXEL Communications. Unizyx Group offer complete networking solutions of Telco, SME and digital Home for a wide range of deployment scenarios.

We take a humanistic perspective in the development of our products and services: it’s not just the device but the heart with commitment that goes into it. Our products reflect our understanding that technology is only as good as it is useful to the people using it. Will it help people communicate more effectively? Will it help to improve their lives? These are questions well worth asking. That’s why in designing every ZyXEL product, we carefully consider its practicality, value, interoperability with current and future technology standards and systems, and ability to improve our customers’ lives through its application.

Webduino 有別於傳統要寫C 或C++ 才能控制Arduino 的傳感器,Webduino 利用了WebComponents 的方法,讓使用者可以在完全不用接觸C 或C++ 的情形下,只需要撰寫簡單的網頁程式( ... 開發的門檻,讓創造力不受技術門檻的拘束,利用各式各樣形形色色的傳感器,創造與眾不同的物聯網應用。

★ 全國首創的集點購物趣 ★
甚麼?! 購物還可以集點換商品! 遊戲化的回饋點數活動全面兌換中~
★ 最懂商品的達人駐站 ★
來自各領域最強達人在這裡!! 用影音、用文章,來教你買、搭、用、穿好東西!
★ 踏遍台灣買不到的好商品 ★
★ 永遠意想不到的好價格 ★
★ 縮短商品與你的距離 ★
手機購物不迷路! 推出商品語音搜尋與浮動環快捷鍵選單,貼心設計,手滑就買! 隨時隨地,隨心所欲!

Our Partners

KKBOX, Asia's leading music streaming service, was established in 2004 by a group of Taiwanese software programmers with a shared passion for technology and music. With the support from more than 500 international major and local independent music labels, KKBOX features 20 million legal tracks, including the most comprehensive Asia-Pop music library, and is currently available in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand with over 10 million users.

Special Thank

JSDC T-Shirt
「Build anything with javascript」是JSDC2015的主題, 而「建構」就是此次主視覺的圖像核心, 具像與抽象的物件交錯,表達程式語言的無限可能,而中間的積木形,即是活動名稱JSDC字母的轉化, 它能夠組成亦能拆解,收放自如間建造世界。